Spring Flowers

LA in Bloom : Spring Flowers

I’ve been thinking about flowers for the last few days (even more than usual). I’ve been sick in bed and my mother-in-law and a few friends have sent me some arrangements, which are an instant mood-lifter. Just so happens I … Read More

Inspiring Business: Good Eggs

LA in Bloom | Good Eggs

Like most people, I am always on the hunt for ways to eat healthfully and responsibly that won’t break the bank or require an unrealistic time commitment. Which is why I’m inspired by Good Eggs, a company that functions as … Read More

Flower of the Week: Lilacs

LA in Bloom | Lilacs

Lilacs are one of the all time greatest flowers and luckily we are deep in the season. I picked up two lavender-hued bunches at the Farmers’ Market last weekend and they kept me feeling enchanted throughout the work week. I … Read More

Aperol Spritz

LA in Bloom | Aperol Spritz

While visiting my sister in Italy this past fall, she introduced me to the idea of an Apertif, a dry cocktail to be consumed before a meal. The bright and effervescent Aperol Sprtiz is the local favorite in Florence and … Read More

Cooking with Jeana Sohn: Kimbap

Add the dressing to the rice (and don't forget to smile like cutie pie Jeana!).

One of my favorite dishes to order when I eat lunch at the Korean spa is Kimbap, a seaweed-wrapped rice roll . It’s as light and clean as it is flavorful and Jeana Sohn promised she would teach me how … Read More