Paper Flowers

This Camilla Nickerson/Bruce Weber editorial in the new issue of W is flipping me out in a major way – primarily for the abundant use of Eloise Corr Danch Paper flowers. GORGEOUSNESS!
This Camilla Nickerson/Bruce Weber editorial in the new issue of W is flipping me out in a major way – primarily for the abundant use of Eloise Corr Danch Paper flowers. GORGEOUSNESS!
I’d probably send someone one of these gorgeous flower arrangements from the gals over at Holly Flora. I mean look at these things. They’re really more like sculptures than anything else. Pink peonie detail… And if I really wanted to … Read More
Cozy sunday in full effect. Much needed after a very hard work week. It’s been pouring rain all day and I’m happily tucked in reading cookbooks and relaxing. Lots of good cooking too… Alex made a delicious loaf of sweat … Read More
Leave it to Holly to give me the orchid of my dreams. I am dreading the day that I kill it! In the meantime, I’m obsessed with how it looks next to the crazy curtains in my dining room.