Garden Moments + Flower Arranging

Ready to bring the cuttings inside and start putting together some arrangements.

Garden is looking beautiful, in a LA-wintery type of way. The citrus is going crazy, the camellias are at the tale-end of their magical run and pieris (those white bell shaped flowers that look like they are made of sugar) … Read More

How To Make a Marigold Chain


I used to be work neighbors with my friends Holly and Becky of Hollyflora and sometimes (more like daily) I would visit the girls on my lunch break. Mostly we would chat about life and work but every now and then they … Read More

Fall Flowers in NYC

Spending a cozy week in NYC to celebrate the opening of my friend Clare Vivier‘s first store in the city! Have been seeing killer art (Magritte at MOMA, Julia Margaret Cameron at the Met), eating delicious food (avocado toast at Cafe Gitane, trilled trout … Read More