San Francisco in Bloom….big time…

I loved this store, The French Tulip. They carry a gorgeous little selection of flowers.
I loved this store, The French Tulip. They carry a gorgeous little selection of flowers.
Heading to San Francisco for a couple days to see my sister and to see the Frida Kahlo exhibition at SFMOMA. I can hardly wait for some Northern California R&R.
L.A. in Bloom has spent the last four days wandering around a little island off of North Carolina, loving all the bow-ties and seersucker suits. For now, here’s the view of the marsh from our house, which slept 16, including … Read More
Last week, we really only had one free day to explore Chicago. One of the best things we did was take an architecture tour on the Chicago River. Here are some of my favs… Photos by Alex de Cordoba.